For all services, tutors will initially review core concepts and practice skill and problem based questions to assess each student’s current level of understanding. This is important to determine where to start and how to best approach subsequent sessions.

Our rates are determined based on the grade level of the student — levels are Grades 1-6 and Grades 7-12.

PRIVATE TUTORING | $65 (1-6) / $75 (7-12)

One-on-one tutoring targeting individual support or enrichment. 

Sessions will be used to work on identified areas of need or provide support for in-class learning. Tutors will help students with teacher assigned homework, concepts and skills, and/or provide work based on the needs of the student.

REVIEW SESSIONS | Applicable Rates

One-on-one sessions targeting material for upcoming tests, exams, or major assignments.

Review sessions may be scheduled between the tutor and client(s) as needed. They can be useful to work towards a desired mark for upcoming tests, exams, and assignments. These sessions are based on the material targeted by each given assessment. Students will also work on how to manage their time while completing questions, how to achieve optimal marks for different question types, and how to continue reviewing after the session.


One-on-one, semi-private, or group sessions to prepare students for EQAO or OSSLT testing.

The EQAO Math Assessment is a province-wide standardized test implemented in Grades 3, 6, and 9. The OSSLT (Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test) is a province-wide standardized test administered in Grade 10. Passing this test is requirement for secondary students to earn their high-school diploma. These sessions will focus on questions that address the core concepts being tested and that mimic the style of testing. Students will also be given strategies on how to use their time effectively during the assessment. Based on the number of sessions booked, a plan will be created to best prepare the student for the entire assessment.

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Weekly Check-Ins Included with Every Service!

Open communication is key

It is important to have the opportunity to ask questions regarding your child's progress. Weekly check-ins create a continuous line of communication with tutors regarding how your child is progressing after each session - follow-ups are welcome! They also provide you with the assurance that your child is receiving the support they need in order to succeed.

I Love Maths Simply Math Tutoring Toronto

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